​ Thorpe Bay Bowling Club
Our 2024 Season started with our Opening Day on 27th April and closes with our Presentation Day on 29th September.
​ To Thorpe Bay Bowling Club

The Season nears its conclusion!
Many of the various external competitions the Club enters (Adams League, Group 6, Cutler Trophy, etc) have now finished, whilst many of the individual and team competitions (Essex, Southend & District, Club, etc) have reached their final stages as the season draws to an end.
Following a successful season we have various teams still in District competitions and wish them all success in their Finals. Additionally the Club Finals weekend will take place on 13th, 14th and 15th September with various Finals occurring. Why not visit the Club to see competition at the highest level!
Our new Club shirts, which have been worn in all Club matches, have been a big hit and have received favourable comments from other Clubs.
Our Club is situated on the sea-front with magnificent views over the estuary, making it one of the most attractive Clubs in Essex. The Club is open to all with a bowling membership of around 125 and an additional 55 social members. The Club offers members the opportunity to bowl in various leagues, competitions and friendly matches.
Our 2024 Membership is now full. Following our coaching sessions for new members it is great to see novice bowlers who have real potential. Several have now represented the Club in League games. If you would like to join us please use our 'Contact Us' page and provide your details, especially if you already bowl to a good standard. We operate a waiting list system.
The Club has a green which is well cared for ​and maintained by our green team. The attractive Club House has a fantastic terrace which is a great place to relax and socialise with friends over a beverage from our well stocked bar, or a cup of tea. The Club is mixed and has changing facilities for both Ladies and Gentlemen.
The Club is affiliated to Bowls England, London & Southern Counties Bowling Association, Essex County Bowling Association and the Southend & District Bowling Association.
Congratulations to Trevor Pearce
Member Trevor Pearce has become the SECOND Thorpe Bay Bowler in a row to win the coveted Unbadged Singles Championship for 2023, beating Kevin Brown (Burnham Hillside) 21-7 in the Final. Adam Miller won the same Competition in 2022. This was the culmination of a hugely successful 2023 season for our Club!
Congratulations to our Ladies
Our Ladies excelled at last seasons Southend & District Finals Day. Elaine Francis won the Ladies Singles, whilst Elaine, Maggie Gough and Elaine Hudson also won the Ladies Triples. Elizabeth Leigh was a finalist in the Secretaries competition. Pictures can be found on the 'Galleries' page.
Congratulations to everyone from our Club involved in Finals during the 2023 season.